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Monday, December 21, 2009

Our History
  • Early Formation of The Club

The Selangor Eurasian Association came into being on 14th December, 1919. This very first meeting was convened at the 'MART', Kuala Lumpur. Mr Alexander Fox was voted to the chair. (Extract: EURASIAN REVIEW December 1934)

In June 1921, a number of Eurasians met again, this time at the Selangor Catholic Club, which was located on the site of the present St John's Cathedral, at Bukit Nanas. At this meeting, the Eurasians present saw firstly the need to cater for the social and economic growth and welfare of the Eurasian and to provide amenities in the field of sports. With this priority in mind, the SELANGOR EURASIAN ASSOCIATION was born. The Inaugural Meeting to form the Association were attended by the following people : -

Mr Robert Goonting
Mr C.R.Martin
Mr A.E.Eberwein J.P
Mr Alexander Fox
Mr G. Zachariah
Mr E.J. Roberts
Mr Maurice Nunis
Mr W.M. Boudville
Mr P.M. Eppi Nunis
Mr R.W.B. Lazaroo
Mr Fabian Arthur Monteiro
Mr W. Fredericks
Mr Richard Nonis
Mr E.A. Reutens
Mr Arnold George Hendroff
Mr W.J. Ashby
Mr Tertullian Skelchy
Mr Jacob De Souza
Mr P. Eppie Sequerah
Mr Simon Marbeck
Mr Francis L. De Rozario
Mr Alexander Dragon
Mr O.G. Labrooy
Mr Joe De Silva
Mr G. Sta Maria
Mr Christian De Silva
  • Pre War Period (1921 - 1941)

The need for premises to activate the Association arose in 1922. A shop house in McArthur Street, opposite the Central Market was used for this purpose. Later it was agreed to move to rented premises in a building in Market Street. This building stood on the site where the present Loke Yew Building stands. Due to financial constraints, the Association decided to give up this place. For sometime after that, the Association functioned as a "Paper Association", disseminating club literature only. Members became disheartened and interest in the Association began to wane. However, the Management Committee then persevered and because of their unwavering commitment they kept the Association from floundering completely. Mr. Robert Goonting officiated as President.

Despite the odds, the Management committee approached the Government to avail the Association of a piece of land for the purpose of a playground. This was mooted in 1934 and in line with this vision, a Building Fund was initiated. A sum total of $1,920/- was collected and set aside for this purpose. On 1st July, 1936, The Association moved into a new premise - a bungalow belonging to
Mr O.G. LaBrooy, at 79, Bukit Bintang Road. A monthly rental of $50/- was paid for the use of this building as a Club house.

In 1937, a Memorandum on the financial aspects of the Association stated that "in the interest of the Association the earlier the Club House was closed, the better for it."

An Extraordinary General Meeting was convened on 6th February, 1938 and much to the regret of the members it was resolved to close the Club House at Bukit Bintang with effect from 31st March, 1938. Once again the Association reverted to a "Paper Association" status. Members paid an annual subscription of $3/-.

During the interim, meetings were held at the Selangor Catholic Club and later, by courtesy of the Merchantile Co-Operative Society, at its offices on the 1st Floor of a building in Market Square. At this juncture renewed efforts were made to secure a playground for the Association.

After considerable correspondence with the Government (the Collector of Land Revenue), the Association was informed, vide Minutes dated 1.5.38 that the Collector of Land Revenue was prepared to accept the ground at Maxwell Road, the site of which was, vide Minutes dated 11.3.38, previously inspected by A.L. de Silva (Hon. General Secretary), C.R. Martin (Snr.) and the Collector of Land Revenue. At a meeting of the General Committee held on 10.6.38, the Hon. General Secretary was directed to reply to the Collector of Land Revenue to the effect that the Association was prepared to accept the grounds at Jalan Maxwell and to extend the Association's thanks to the Government for the assistance given in this matter. The land situated at the junction of Ipoh/Maxwell Roads was formally allotted to the Association for recreational purposes in 1940. The Association was unable then to build a Club House due to insufficient funds.

In February 1940, an all Malayan Eurasian conference was held in Singapore to discuss Education of Eurasians, a Youth movement and Employment of Eurasians. We were represented by L.F. Koch, President and A.L. de Silva, Secretary. It would appear that the formation of an all Malayan Eurasian Association was proposed and accepted and draft rules were discussed for over a year, but no agreement was reached. By mid 1941, the idea was aborted.

The last Committee Meeting before the Japanese Occupation was held on 20th November, 1941.

Early in 1940, L.F. Koch, the President took ill and resigned. His death on 24th June 1940 was a shock to the Community and a great loss to the Association in particular. At a Committee meeting held on
1st July, 1940, the following tribute was paid:

"Before we commence the business of this meeting, I wish to refer to the great loss the community and this Association in particular have sustained by the death of Mr. Leslie Koch at the early age of 49 years. Most of you will remember that it was through the efforts of Mr. Koch and a few others that the activities of the Association were resuscitated and from then until our recent General Meeting Mr. Koch has been our President. He has worked whole-heartedly and untiringly for the welfare of the Community in the matter of representation, unemployment, education, relief from the Selangor Unemployment Committee, Club House and playing ground, volunteering, games and several other matters, and it is most regrettable that his life has not been spared a few years more to see the fruits of his labour. He was unassuming and led an exemplary life which many of us would do well to emulate. The name of L.F. Koch will live forever in the annals of this Association"

  • The Japanese Occupation Period (1942 - 1945)

During these troubled times Association activities were suspended until 26th October, 1943 (2603)* when the first committee meeting was convened. Dr. J.S. Goonting chaired the meeting.

At the insistence of the Authorities, (the Japanese) the Association had to revise its constitution and to insert the following:

  1. To co-operate with the Nippon Government and to develop Nippon culture and ideals.
  2. To promote social, moral, physical and cultural advancement of members of this Association and their children.
  3. To find ways and means to relieve distress among the community.
  4. To promote good neighbourly relations among all races in the State of Selangor.

There were no General meetings but Committee Meetings were held from time to time and the subjects discussed pertained to the welfare of the community in general.

The Association fielded hockey and football teams in all matches organized by the Selangor Sports Federation. In one of the series, the side lost the finals 0-1.

The last Committee was held on 24th January, 1945 (2605)* at 31 Klyne Street, Kuala Lumpur.

(* Ref. to Japanese year)

  • Post-War Period

The first Committee Meeting after the Liberation was held on 8th October, 1945. This meeting was held on 31st March, 1946 at St. John's Institution Hall. The following were elected:

Dr. J.S. Goonting-President
R.H. Beins-Vice-President
M.L. Spittel-Hon. Secretary
B.A. Skelchy-Hon. Treasurer

Committee Members

Dr. C.V. Jumeaux, T.R. Marks, A.G. Howe, A.L. De Silva, C.R. Martin (Snr.), B. Martin, J.A. Buxton, G. Radcliffe, P.P. Especkerman, C.A. De Vries, and D. Martin

Honorary Auditors

Messrs. G. H. Goonting and Alex de Souza

Dr. J. S. Goonting at the Annual General Meeting of the Selangor Eurasian Association on 28th March 1948 stated :

"Some Eurasians may be just sitting on the fence, whilst others may not care whether there is an Association or not. Whatever may have happened in the past, let us all now be united in tackling our problems and our burden will be lighted."

"The rise and fall of the Community is in your hands and not in those of a single individual."

At the first Committee held on 10th April 1946, a special vote of thanks to B.A. Skelchy and B.E. Martin was passed for preserving the pre-war records of the Association throughout the Japanese regime, when in less happier circumstances these records might easily have been lost or destroyed. Thereafter Committee Meetings were held at Dr. Goonting's Dispensary at Klyne Street, since the Selangor Catholic Club was demolished some years before the war. Membership of the Association increased after the war. Consequently, the Committee gave serious consideration to the building of a Club House.

On 1st May, 1947 the President, Dr. J.S. Goonting, informed the Committee that he had received a letter (No. 7 in D.O.K.L. 13647) dated 9th April, 1947 from the District Officer, Kuala Lumpur, stating that the land situated at the Junction of Ipoh/Maxwell roads which was allotted to the Association for recreational purposes in 1940 was being occupied by the Military Authorities who had asked Government for a further tenure of 5 years and enquired whether the Association had any comments to make. Since the Association was still financially unable to build a Club House nor improve the conditions of the grounds, the request from the Military Authorities was agreed to. Unfortunately the relevant file on this matter is missing when Government could have been approached again for the use of the ground.

  • Official Registration of the Club

The rules and by-laws of the Association (founded June 1921) was drafted and approved by the Registrar of Societies, Federation of Malaya effective 16 April 1948 (R. of S. (MU) 96/47). Copy of extract from Federation of Malaya government Gazettee (Federal) No. 7 (Vol.1) dated 29 April 1948.

  • Objects of The Association
  1. To promote civic consciousness, goodwill and friendliness among all races resident in Malaya through social and community service.
  2. To promote and assist in the moral, physical and intellectual advancement of all Eurasians through education and higher institutions of learning.
  3. To promote all forms of sport, athletics, games and past-times as the General Committee may from time to time deem desirable.
  4. To utilise the resources of the Association for the welfare and well-being of Eurasians.
  • The Building of a Club House at Bukit Nanas

The Vicar of St. John's Church was approached to permit the Association erect a modest Club House on the site previously occupied by the Selangor Catholic Club. Approval was given with the proviso that six months notice be given should the ground be required for the erection of a new church. Donations totaling $4,480 - were received and with the pre-war amount of $1,920/- standing to the credit of the Building Fund, the total cost of the building, including electrical and sanitary installation was $8,802.70.

The official opening ceremony of the Club House was performed by the President's wife -
Mrs. J.S. Goonting - on 30th October, 1948 at which ceremony, Eurasian leaders of other States and Settlements attended the function which was followed by a Gala Dance.

Opening of the clubhouse at Bukit Nanas

Clubhouse at Bukit Nanas - 1948 to 1952

General Committee 1948

Sitting (from left) :
Dr. G.H. Oorloff, Mr. B.A. Skelchy MBE,
Mr. A.L. de Silva, Dr. J.S. Goonting (President),
Mr. M.L. Spittel, Mrs. G.H. Oorloff,
and Mr.T.R. Marks Standing: Mr. B.V.F. Richards,
Mr. F.E. Peterson, Mr. P.L. Machado,
Mr. A. de Neys Frugtniet, Mr. R.H. Beins,
Mr. A.T. Howe, and Mr. G. Radcliffe

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